About Remember Us
To rememebr those you have loved and lost or to be remembered in a way you want.
I lost my Grandad a while ago and while we were not super close he had stories. Stories that were not told and now forgotten. Skills learnt from a different era that were not passed on. It was not until he passed that some of those stories got told and achievements were read out. I was amazed and proud of his acomplishments. I was also sad that I never got to talk to him about them as they were revealed at his funeral. This site allows people to share those stories and collaborate together to paint their life, record their achievements and save those skills to be passed on to generations to come.
The Real Reason
I had a beautiful cocker spaniel, black as black called Ebony. Ebony was like my shadow. Always with me, while I worked, while I slept and while I lived life. She lived it with me always and every day, until she could not. Ebony, even to the last minute of her life wanted to please and to be there to be ascknowledged and loved. She asked for nothing in life but to be next to me. I printed every photo I could find to help me remember her, I watch old videos to see her. Ebony provided me years of company and unconditional love. Ebony deserves to be remembered, now and always as she was. Not in the earn that sits on my table, but in a spontaneous emails or sms with her in it. That is the real reson for this site as sometimes you just want to be reminded, they deserve it and you need it. Just think of all the stories and memories lost as they were not documented. Now is your chance and don’t wait, make it fun and always be remembered!
RIP Ebony 15/04/2016 – 06/03/2021